Preparing For Your RV Rental | Ready To Get On The Road | Heading Home

Preparing For Your RV Rental
How far is it from your location to the airport / next shopping centre and gas station?
Please check our locations map. We provide you with directions to the nearest shopping centre. We will also point out where the closest gas station is, so we can optimize your timing.
Can we leave our luggage at the station?
Yes you can. It’s free of charge, but at your own risk.
What is included in the Convenience Kit?
All items included in our Convenience Kits are listed here.
Do we have to stay on a campground or could we park anywhere to overnight?
In any National or Provincial Park, you must use the campground. In other areas, unless otherwise posted (some provinces will prohibit it completely), you can park overnight; however we do not recommend it, and it is at your own risk.
Is there a charge for additional drivers?
There is no charge for additional drivers. All drivers must have a valid drivers license and be present at the time of vehicle pick up.
Do we need to pre-book the campgrounds?
Not necessarily; however, in National or Provincial Parks it is recommended; and on busy weekends and Statutory Holidays. A booking fee will apply.
Do we need to pre-book a ferry?
It depends on which ferry you intend to use, some ferries are free as they are part of the highway systems; others are not. Most ferries do not have to be pre-booked but be prepared for line-ups and waiting times.
What is the speed limit in Canada?
Speed limits vary depending on roads and highways – generally range from 50km up to 120km unless otherwise posted. All speed limits are posted in kilometres.
Can I use my European cell phone in Canada?
Please make arrangements at home with your provider, and be aware that there are high ‘roaming’ charges. If possible use prepaid phone cards for calls within North America and the toll free number, if you need to reach us.
Can we use items with European plugs/ do you supply adapters?
Anything that can run on 110V (hairdryer, etc.) can be used. You will however require an adapter for North American plugs. We do not supply those.

Ready To Get On The Road
How long will the paperwork and vehicle demonstration take?
This can vary from 30 minutes to over an hour, depending on the information we already have, and the vehicle type knowledge of our guest.
Am I allowed to drive on gravel roads?
Only if they are ‘public’ roads. However, Four Seasons RV Rentals By Fraserway reserves the right to restrict certain roads, should they present any danger to our vehicles.
Can I get diesel fuel at every gas station?
All of the major gas stations (Shell, Chevron etc.) will carry Diesel fuel.
Can I cross the border into the USA?
Our vehicles are allowed into the USA. Just make sure that your personal documentation is in order.
Do we need to weigh the RV at the truck scales on the highway?
No, this is for commercial vehicles only.

Heading Home
What time do I have to be at the rental depot on the return date, my flight does not leave until 10pm?
Vehicles must be returned (inspection ready) to the rental station between 9am and 11am. A minimum CA$50 per hour penalty will be charged for returns after 11:00am without prior authorization from the rental station. Our crew needs that time to turn around the RV properly.
Does the RV need to be washed on the outside before returning it?
No, only if the dirt level would not allow us to check for any damage on the RV exterior.

Have More Questions?
Contact A Central Service Representative